
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Poetry Recital

This term we have a poetry recital. We get to choose a poem or a song to memorise and recite to the class. I choose a poem. This is the poem I choose :

I am very nervous to read it to the class. I hope it is good. Do you like it? Have you done a poetry recital?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Who knows me the best Michael or Josh?

For topic we had to do a video it was who knows me the best. I was with my friends Josh and Michael.

It was so cool video with my best friends we thought it was cool. we had a lot of noise in the back round. the back round noise was from the whole class doing it. If you want to see who know Michael the best click here and if you want to see who who knows Josh the best click here. Michael knows me the best. Do you like the video? Have you learnt anything about me?

Monday, October 21, 2019

Who do you think you are?

this term for topic we are doing identity. who we are. 

This is went I was a baby. In this photo I was in the lounge.  I am wearing my sisters clothes from when she was a baby.    Guess how old I am?