Title: Fake Earth
Audience: Everyone
Ok we are landing on earth get ready here we go. where is the landing pad. just land. ok. where is all of the house. ok lets get out. what there is no gravity.what was that a rat. why is it so big. watch out you are going to step on a giraffe. what no i am not. wait this is new planet we need to tall nsa. ok lets talk photos. i think that every thing is opposite. it that water. no it couldn't be. where is our rocket. it chased. when we landed oh no how are we going to get home. we will have to make one out of the things we have. but there is nothing. lets explore and get stuff to build the rocket. ok. look there is a radio. it mats be from the rocket. its getting dark lets go to sleep. look there is some stuff. lets build. ok its good lets go. now we are landing on earth. we will tell them and get someone to explore it.it was to dangerous to do it on are on.
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